It’s the work that matters…

It’s very pleasing that a lot of people are turning up to see The Way, My Way.
In a few days we’ll be at $1m in box office returns.

Reviews are coming out, mainly positive, and I’m being contacted by friends saying: Oh you must be so thrilled etc.

I’m not.
Nor is Jennifer.
We’re rock steady.

Over a forty year period we’ve made films that have gone nowhere, and we’ve made films that have made a dent. I’ve ceased to predict how a movie we’ve made will work. I’ve been surprised at those that have connected with an audience, and shattered at those that haven’t.

I don’t read reviews anymore.
Or listen or watch them if they’re on radio/podcasts/YouTube/whatever…

It doesn’t matter to me what a reviewer thinks. I’m only interested in what the audience thinks. They’re who I made the film for – not critics.

I see younger actors get peeved that a critic said this or didn’t say that. It doesn’t matter didly squat. The only thing that matters is the work. The views of a critic are meaningless and transitory. What lasts is the work. And that’s where the focus needs to be. Solely on the work.

Right at the outset, when we had our first conversation with our distributor Marc Wooldridge, head of Maslow Entertainment, after Marc had seen the movie, he asked me: What would success look like for you with this film?

I said to Marc: Success is here right now. We’ve made the film. That’s success.