Mount Shasta –

Mount Shasta, in Northern California, is a place of deep spiritual significance.

Mount Shasta.2

Jennifer and I stopped there last night on our way up to Washington State.

From early times Mount Shasta was held sacred by the local Native American tribes. They created myths, prayers, and songs based on their spiritual connection to the majestic mountain, which they believed to be the source of all creation.

Because of the geography of the mountain combined with the surrounding weather conditions, what’s called lenticular or “lens-shaped” clouds often form above it, adding to its mystique. Some claim that the clouds sometimes take the shape of angels, or flying saucers.

MS Clouds.4 MS Clouds.3 MS Clouds.2 MS clouds.1

The mountain is perhaps best known by spiritualists as being the place where in 1930, while hiking up the slopes, Guy Ballard met Saint Germain – an Ascended Master. Subsequently writing under the pseudonym of Godfre Ray King, Ballard wrote of the encounter, and of other interactions with Ascended Masters.

The writings were published in a series of books under the “I AM” banner, and have since become seminal works in the pantheon of esoteric literature.

Godfre Ray King I AM book I AM book.2

Ascended Masters are believed to be humans who’ve lived in a succession of physical bodies through reincarnation. Over time they’ve became highly advanced souls, breaking their Karmic cycle and achieving “ascension” – becoming immortal.

Jesus Christ is believed to be an Ascended Master. Hence the I AM movement is regarded by some as being a Christian religion.

The Ascended Masters communicate to us through messengers – Guy Ballard being one, as was Madam Blavatsky, who with several others started the Theosophical Society. So, Mount Shasta has a very strong link to the spiritual and the metaphysical. And being there, you can feel it.

We drove in late yesterday and glimpsed the snow-capped mountain through trees. Immediately it had a profound impact on us. It had an energy that was quite palpable.

Mount Shasta.1

We stayed in Shasta overnight, and early this morning we drove up the mountain. We parked at the trailhead, then walked about a mile and a half following a track that wound up the slope.

Jen walking up track Jen looking up Mt behind

The trees were covered in green moss – there was still snow on the ground in patches – and above us the mountain towered. It was truly awe-inspiring.

Mossy trees Mount Shasta.4

As we drove back to town, we stopped in at the Saint Germain Foundation – they’ve set up an I AM reading room in a small house, but it was closed. I took some photos though – including a portrait of Saint Germain.

I AM reading room light being Saint Germain

We then went to the local bookstore and spent more than an hour browsing through their vast range of spiritual and esoteric books. Jennifer is far more widely read on these subjects than me.

While she was assembling a pile of books to buy, I went and bought a t-shirt which said:  Mount Shasta – Where Heaven & Earth Meet.

Here is Jennifer’s bedside reading for tonight…

Jennifer's reading table

25 thoughts on “Mount Shasta –

  1. Amazing photographs and just from those it certainly seems to have a presence. Mind you, growing up in Denmark, I learnt you can’t not take notice when you walk through a pine forest; it certainly had a great impression on me as a child and teenager; just the silence and light!
    I’d never heard of this mountain nor it meta-or other physical influences. Thank goodness we never stop learning 🙂 and happy reading, Jennifer!


  2. Powerful photographs Bill, and the mountains certainly draw you in. Having grown up among mountains, the first picture through the forest immediately brought back the vista I saw each day whilst growing up. .Thank you for a great start to this morning. Light and Love Ingrid


    • Dear Ingrid,

      Yes, coming from Australia, seeing snow capped mountains is something very unusual, especially in summer, and overlooking a town too! That said though, there’s something special about this mountain. Bill


  3. Jennifer, what a great library you are assembling..and luggage! lol Hope you share some of the wisdom you will read about and your interpretations. Happy Reading indeed! Ingrid


    • Hi Ingrid – this is from Jen. She says: some of these books were suggested to me on the Camino by Angie and Julie, and I hadn’t been able to find them until that bookstore at Mount Shasta.

      This is the way I like to choose my books, either from a personal recommendation, or they have to fall off the shelf at my feet, and look up at me balefully and say “pick me, pick me.” (Bill added the words “balefully” and “look up at me,” because he thought that sentence needed dressing up a bit. He’s like that…

      Jen is trying to find a decent chai t bag – she’s asked if you could recommend one. All the chai tea you get in the US is full of sugar and cinnamon.


  4. Morning you two,

    Leave it to you to teach we Americans about our own history and geography. How gorgeous!! Thank you for the beautiful photos and opportunity to see a part of the States that I’ve yet to see.

    Just wanted you to know that I made 3 attempts to reply to your last blog and they all seemed to disappear for 24 hours. Then Steve told me that 2 of them appeared. I tried to re-write what I had written and you can see that I only remembered part of my original. Didn’t want you to think I has lost my mind. Lol!!

    Can’t wait to see what you’re gonna discover next.



  5. Hey Jill,

    Yes I noticed that your long email had been snagged in the spam folder. I have put certain words into the spam filter and maybe something triggered it. Did you by any chance mention the following – hair loss, car insurance, impotence, sexy-girl-dance, or Sister Clare?


    We’re driving to the Twin Peaks diner today to meet Lynda Lozner and Dale. Pictures to come!

    Bill Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s hilarious! Yes, it must have been my comment, “Although I hadn’t seen Steve in 7 months it was clear that the tiny bit of hair-loss that I noticed on him didn’t result in his impotence as the Sexy girl dance that I did for him did not once make him think of Sister Clare and got him to put down his car insurance bill and look at me!” Lol


      Liked by 1 person

  6. Looks like your adventure is really beautiful and fascinating, Bill and Jen!
    We just spent a lovely weekend in San Diego on Mission Bay, with the kids that could make it. We had a wonderful time. Biking, paddle boarding, Volleyball, lawn games, eating and just goofing around. It was just FUN.
    We are enjoying your blog. Love the photo of the Rambler Hula Girls!


    • Hi Kathryn – my goodness it seems so long ago that we spent that wonderful day with you and Michael. Can you please tell him that the trip up the 139 through to Bishop has to be one of the most spectacular drives I’ve ever done – please thank him for the tip, because otherwise I would have gone up the I-5, which as he said would have been soulless. Bill


  7. Those mountains are so vast and so peaceful in a powerful way. Have you considered doing the Pacific Crest Trail? That would be an adventure and a challenge, but there is a distinct absence of cafe con leche, red wine and tapas! Very interesting to read about, though.
    – Clare

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Clare – I think walking the Pacific Trail would be amazing – I’ve read the book WILD, which is an account of a young woman doing the PT walk. It wounds incredibly tough, and as you say, there are none of the creature comforts of the Camino!

      My interest though is in walks that have some link to a pilgrimage – Bill


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