Today I woke up at 4:44

How does the universe connect with you? Prod you? Encourage you?

Guide you?

It does so in a variety of ways, and one of those ways is the use of numbers.

The startling use of numbers.

I’ve been troubled lately. Soon I will be starting filming on PGS – INTUITION IS YOUR PERSONAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM. My plan is start filming in India, then go across to the US and film there. I feel very strongly that I need to get this film going.

But I will be taking a financial risk starting when I believe I should start. And that’s been troubling me. I’ve been wondering if I should delay, and wait till all the finance locks in.

Last night I dreamt vividly. In my dream I saw myself equivocating – questioning whether it was the right thing to do, to commence filming in September. And then my dream took me to an image of several computers, lined up one beside the other, all connected by cables.

And I knew immediately what this was. This was an image of how the Spierig brothers made their first film – a very inventive film which they made at home, in their spare time and on their own dime. They didn’t have the money for a powerful computer to do all the film’s digital imaging work, and so they cobbled together a bunch of cheap home computers which, in series, gave them the computing grunt to do what they wanted to do.

The resultant digital work was brilliant, the film got made and it launched their careers.

I woke up immediately with the very clear message that I had to get on with it. That I had to do what I intend to do. That I shouldn’t equivocate. I shouldn’t have doubts. Everything will work out.

Then I looked across at the bedside clock, and it was 4:44.

It hit me very powerfully.


I quickly googled: “What does 4:44am mean?” And this is what I read:

444 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time.  You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment.

444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you. They are offering you positive energies, inner-strength and 
support to enable you to get the work done that you need to.  

They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire. Use your strong connection with the angelic realm to your benefit and be open to their promptings and messages.  

Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance.

444 is a message that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose and soul mission. When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favour and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path. 

Know that the angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing.  

Do I believe in Angels?

Damn right I do!

Do I believe that the 4:44 on the clock was a sign?

Damn right I do!

I’ve been told clearly that I’ve got to stop doubting and get on with it…


11 thoughts on “Today I woke up at 4:44

  1. Yup and when the right #s come up,I’ll invest in you. so Universe and Spirit that wake me each night at 3am -LISTEN light and love Ingrid


  2. Bill,

    You’re damn right on relying on your intuition. It’s my biggest takeaway from this year’s Camino and it’s what’s making me so bloody busy at present. But I’m loving it because my intuition has reinforced my belief in what I’m doing.

    A good post.




    • Dear Peter –

      That’s fabulous about what’s happened with you following your intuition. Sometimes it’s scary, hey? But it’s what we must do!



  3. OMG Bill! I can not believe all the intuitive things that happen to you. Well, yes I guess I can. You are very intune with your inner self, the world and being able to read it all. Who better to make this film? Because of an error that I mentioned to you, Amazon had you as an actor in a movie rather than director. You said you weren’t in it. I think this would be the perfect time for you to be in the film although it wouldn’t be acting but truth. Eerie how things happen to you. Maybe some of those things happen to the rest of us as well but we are just unaware and don’t pick up on it. I’m with Ingrid. Hope to win the lottery and be a backer of this film.
    Hugs to you and Jen


    • Thanks Lynda! We all receive intuitive impulses. Like a GPS in a car, we can choose to tune in and follow the directions we’re given – or take the tried and trusted route. Sometimes we need to turn it up so we can hear it properly – but it’s always there… As for being in the film, it will be my journey, my discovery. I’ve decided that, based on the sizzle reel which you saw. I think that’s the best way for the film to unfold. I’m no expert. But I’m curious…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Bill, I haven’t written in a while (pretty busy with the wedding and other family obligations) but I HAD to respond to this post. About 5 years ago, I was having a hard time in my life. Three nights in a row, I woke up and looked at the clock and it was 4:44 am. I was a little freaked out about this, and told my best friend about it. She said, four is the number of angels. They are watching over you. Ok….now I am even more freaked out. So I look on line and find similar explanations for this as you did. Since then, whenever I see multiple fours, I double check what I was thinking at the time and let my intuition guide me from there. Interesting it is happening to you also. Can’t wait to hear more about your movie..


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