End of Year Audit & hopes for 2021

As followers of this blog know, at this time each year I do an audit of what I achieved this past year, pegged against what I said I wanted to achieve – and I set out what I hope to achieve the coming year.

Well, 2020 has been a helluva year.
Talk about a disrupter!

Just think, this time last year the words COVID-19, and Coronavirus and Pfizer weren’t even in our vocabulary – and PPE and self-isolate and N95 and social-distancing were all foreign terms to us.

I’m thankful and grateful that Jennifer and I, and our families, have come through this year safely and without illness. We’ve been fortunate to live in a country that has handled the pandemic in a way that’s been the envy of most other countries – and the stats attest to that – but that’s not to say there hasn’t been a lot of trauma for some along the way.

Personally, for Jennifer and myself, it’s been a year that’s forced us to stop and take stock of our lives – to reflect on what’s important and what’s not, to see things with greater clarity, to get rid of unnecessary “noise,” and to be grateful for what we have and empathetic to those that are suffering, in whatever way.

For us, it’s been a year of softening.
And coming together.
Strangely, in a year that’s required separation, stronger bonds and connections have formed.

So in the light of what’s happened this year, it’s now interesting to look back on what I hoped to achieve, and what I did achieve. The number one inhibitor to this year’s workload was that I wasn’t able to travel – but that turned out to be incredibly cathartic.


So, here we go… the audit of what I set out to achieve, and what I actually achieved:

Complete the manuscript of Again, I Die.
Check. I did this. The ms came in at 102K words.

Get Again, I Die published.
Nope. Hasn’t happened as yet. The publishing industry has contracted this year, and a ms that mixes genres (thriller with New Age) has been difficult to place. But it’s a terrific story and well written (ahem, he says humbly), and it will find a home.

Complete production of Fear – the Movie.
Nope, this didn’t happen either. My inability to travel put the stoppers on production. But sometime in March I woke up with a message from my dream state telling me that during this dreadful time of rampant fear I had to be in service, and so I set about creating Facing Fear – The Interviews, a website resource using cutdowns of the interviews I’d gathered for the film.

Over the next several months I worked with my editor, Rishi Shukla, and my web developer Natacha to create the website, which consists of some 27 interviewees from around the world – experts in fear management – with video content all up of nearly 24hrs. Here’s a link should you wish to check it out – Facing Fear – The Interviews

Commence development of a TV series based on my feature film KISS OR KILL.
Done. I’ve written the pilot episode, and detailed treatments for the further 7x58mins episodes.

Commence production of DEFIANT, the feature film based on the true story of a double honour killing in India.
Nope. Not possible to set up a film in India during the time of the Coronavirus.

Get THE WAY, MY WAY cast and financed.
Nope. This is the feature film project based on the adaptation of my bestselling memoir, The Way, My Way – my account of walking the Camino de Santiago. I have Australian theatrical distribution in place, and a US financier and sales agent and Spanish co-producers, but independent feature film production this year has pretty much gone belly-up, because of lack of exhibition – cinemas. So I have shifted my focus to TV, and am currently writing a limited TV series based on the book. The book by the way now has more than 300 five-star reviews on Amazon. Here’s a link if you want to check it out – The Way, My Way.

Write the manuscript for a new book on intuition.
Nup. Didn’t happen. Figured there were enough good books on the subject.

Produce a Masterclass based around the book.
Nup. Didn’t happen because the book didn’t happen.

Get PGS out wider into culture.
Yep, it’s happening. In negotiation with a major US distributor for English speaking territories.

Spend more time meditating.
Kinda. But not enough. I use an app called Insight Timer, that Dr Dean Radin put me onto. And its binaural beats meditation sessions are great.

So – that’s the audit of what I set out to do this year, versus what I actually did do. Overall I spent the year writing, which in the end is what I really love to do.

So, what’s in store for 2021?
Here’s what I hope to achieve:

  • Complete Facing Fear – The Movie.(This will depend on Covid related restrictions, and I don’t know if it will be possible.)
  • Set up KISS OR KILL as a limited TV series.
  • Set up The Way, My Way as a limited TV series.
  • Write the screenplay for an alien-based comedy.
  • Write another novel. (I have several ideas fermenting)

This year has brought about some fundamental changes for me. For starters, I have discovered that I don’t need to travel as much as I used to. Jennifer and I really do enjoy staying at home. My idea of a great day now is to write in the morning, read in the afternoon, and watch some amazing television in the evening. Oh yes, and there’s exercise and meditation and family and cricket and footy – my youngest son has got me following Liverpool, so that fills in the gaps left vacant when the Swannies aren’t playing.

As horrendous as this year has been, for me it’s been a year of realignment and recalibration. As I said in PGS the Movie, to be able to hear your inner voice, your inner wisdom, first you have to stop – and this year has forced me to stop.

I firmly believe that this pandemic is an incredibly powerful agent of change – and that out of the trauma and demolition that is COVID-19, universal consciousness will rise and lead us towards a better way of living on this beautiful planet.

13 thoughts on “End of Year Audit & hopes for 2021

  1. Bill, I suspect that without having seen your goals in advance, the average person would look at your 2020 accomplishments and think “Wow, you had an amazing year”! This is coming from a person who in my first full year of retirement accomplished only slightly more than nothing. 🙂 Anyway, here’s to happy holidays and to a great 2021 where you will probably double up on your accomplishments!



  2. Bill & Jen,
    Happy Holidays and I will raise a glass to a better 2021.
    I’ve been absent for some time now as I have been pursuing my own spiritual path. My month in Yoga Teacher Training at the Sivananda Ashram during 2017 was a tremendous catalyst for me on this path. Since completing and receiving my Yoga Teacher training from Sivananda, I have received teaching certifications in Chair Yoga as well as the Ymedica Boomer/Senior teacher training which certifies me to work with physicians and in nursing homes as well as Senior facilities here in the States.
    I am currently at the tail end of an 8-month training at the Chopra Center to become a Primordial Sound Meditation teacher. I have passed all my exams and expect to graduate in February. There is one more month of training left where we learn to give our students their personal Primordial Sounds as well as the business aspects of teaching this ancient practice. I mention this as I think you may wish to look into Primordial Sound Meditation as it may help you with your meditation practice going forward. I am sure there are teachers in Australia.



    • Hi Arlena – great to hear from you! Jennifer and I were thinking of you just recently, wondering how the pandemic was affecting your tour business. But wonderful to hear about this new course of direction. I’ll investigate options in Australia. But it seems like your new qualifications are setting you up for work that will help a lot of people. That’s great. Best wishes for 2021 – Bill


  3. Merry Christmas Bill to you and Jennifer. If we just survived this year with our health, our sanity and our sense of humour intact, we are ahead. When my 7 year old grows up, if he is even slightly like me its because he and I had no choice but to spend 24/7/365 together which in my case, was a rare privilege. Im not brave enough to ask HIM how he feels about that. Stay safe, stay creative and don’t ever lose your unique sense of humour Bill!


  4. Well, as always, Bill, you’ve blown it out of the ballpark! Good to know you and Jennifer are still hunkering down and enjoying life, even if it is a completely different one to the one envisaged when we last saw each other nearly a year ago! Stay sane, safe and healthy and hugs to you both, Britta


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