
Apologies. I’ve been lax this last week with the blog – for two reasons.

Firstly, I’ve had my head down preparing for this coming trip to the US. Jennifer and I leave Mudgee on Thursday, and fly out this Friday. We’ll be away nearly a month. So there’s been a lot of boring office work to do, but also a lot of stuff to organise and prepare in advance of coming to the States.

The trip is to speak to potential investors in the PGS film. I will post separately on that later.

One of the things I’ve been doing this past week is sorting through all the photos taken on the tour, and selecting the best shots of everyone, day by day. I’ll put these photos onto USB sticks and send them out to each person who did the tour.

In going through the shots as I did, I became very emotional. Such a lot happened in such a short period of time. We had some incredible experiences.

I don’t know what it’s like for the others, but that two weeks has created resonances within me that are getting stronger every day. It was enormous fun, yes, but it was also a very powerful time spiritually – when the Camino worked its subtle magic. It unhinged things within me, and I suspect within others too.

The second reason I haven’t posted this past week is because unlike last year, I don’t want to post daily anymore.

There were times last year when I found I put up posts just to fill the space each day. I don’t want to do that anymore. I only want to post when I have something to say. Something that I believe is worth saying.

I will post regularly from the US – and I’ll also be putting posts up on my road food blog. And I’ll be posting photos here too. I’m looking forward to putting my “eye” to work in the US!

I’ll also be looking forward to meeting some of you. As the itinerary becomes more clear, I’ll post approximate dates of where Jennifer and I will be, but it looks like we’ll be doing a lot of driving over a short period of time.

We start off in Los Angeles – do a quick side trip to Palm Springs to see Steve & jill, then we head up to Oregon and Washington State, across to the Tri-Cities, then over to Provo in Utah, then possibly to Kansas City, then back to Los Angeles, possibly via Newport.

A big trip in a short time. But it will be a huge amount of fun.

Okay – now I have to prepare a couple of posts which I’ll put up shortly. Only a few days to go before we leave for this trip – yikes, there’s so much to do!

catarina walking away shell





51 thoughts on “Apologies

  1. Bill,
    You have nothing to apologize for. You are very, very busy and we all understand that. Looking forward to having “pie and coffee” with you and Jen.


          • We live in Puyallup about 20 minutes south of Seattle. The restaurant is 30 minutes east of Seattle just off of Interstate 90 which you will go over the mountains on to Tri Cities. Gorgeous scenery up this way. I am about 35 minutes from the restaurant. I have a daughter and 2 grandchildren in that town also my adopted son from Romania.


          • Lynda, fabulous. I think the previous night we’ll stay at Mount Shasta. But will need to figure out the mileages etc. Jennifer says Mount Shasta is a very powerful place spiritually.

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        • Lynda, you might want to let the owner know that Bill is on his way. He will need super duper strength coffee and about 14 cups ready and waiting. 🙂

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          • Donna,
            That’s so funny! I AM thinking of going down and trying the coffee before Bill & Jen get here. Coffee though can taste good to one and horrible to another. Just like wines. Acquired taste. I think it’s more the thought though than the coffee. It is a restaurant that was featured in a tv series and movie many a year ago . They always commented on “the damn good cup of coffee and pie”. I pass there at least twice a week going to my daughters and quite often you will still see tourists taking pictures of it


          • Lynda, you’re absolutely right. It’s the experience of being there, rather than the coffee! David Lynch is one of my favourite directors by the way. LOST HIGHWAY is an amazing film, as is THE ELEPHANT MAN. And of course BLUE VELVET, and TWIN PEAKS – which went one season too many, but the first season was extraordinary. And uniquely Lynch.

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          • Donna – you know I’m very restrained when it comes to my coffee intake. Only 3 double espressos to start the day, before my mouth and brain begin to work so that I can speak semi-lucidly… American coffee though is a whole other thing – I think 14 cups might be needed, yup! 🙂

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        • Hey, Linda, good to know where you stem from, presuming from previous comments that you lived somewhere near Seattle. I have a complicated family structure with having grown up in Denmark, moved to (and married in) Australia but I also have a sort of adopted American family with one of my brothers living in Seattle. So who knows, if you send me your email address, I might get in touch some time in the next few years when I hope to visit them and my sister in Juneau! You can get me at brittahuttel@gmail.com 🙂 Britta

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          • Dear Britta
            You also have a sister in the Seattle area. Tee Hee. I feel like we are all family. It’s been over a year since I ran into Bill’s post on the Camino blog. Been following ever since. Can’t believe I get to meet Bill and Jen soon. My email is lyndalozner@gmail.com My maiden name is Kruse and from what I understand, the family came here from Denmark so we are closer than we thought.


          • Dear Jenny, if we don’t get to talk (what with both being so busy, eh?) I hope you have the most wonderful time. The schedule of places you get to go to before even Rabanal or Santiago give me the tingles!! Which ever way, please stay in touch on your travels. Love, Britta


          • Thanks, Lynda, for the ‘sister’ remark. Since I don’t have a natural sister, that’s a lovely sentiment to consider! and how amazing that you have a Danish family connection. You certainly seem to have the Scandinavian looks 🙂


          • Cheers Britta – thanks for your good wishes. The whole thing is going to be wonderful – the whole six weeks. I’ll definitely keep in touch throughout the time. Gaucelmo doesn’t have Wi-Fi, unfortunately, but at least one of the nearby bars does, so I should be able to keep in touch regularly.


  2. All good Bill!
    The rest of us know you’re not Superman – sounds like you might be working it out too!
    Have a great time in the USofA. Look forward to seeing your photos from over there.
    All the best,


    • Hey Greg –

      yes, very much looking forward to taking photos there. Particularly in that harsh summer light of Los Angeles. This trip we’re going to parts of the US I’ve never been to before – Washington State, and Utah. That will be very cool. I know America quite well – have spent quite a bit of time there, working. And I love it there. Very excited to be going!



      • I can recall one day on the Camino where you thought you were Superman!

        I have a photo that I think I should title:

        “Mild mannered tour leader Bill Bennett attempting to stop a speeding car armed with his trusty backpack, red Swannies cap, TWO hiking poles, TWO Fuji cameras and TOO much white port”

        I don’t think I can post the photo up here. I’ll have to send it to you!

        Cheers mate!

        Liked by 1 person

    • That’s Catarina’s bag Ingrid. When she was walking away to go back home on the last day of the tour. Thank you for the well wishes! Bill


    • Dear Ingrid, I too liked the shell and the whole idea of attaching it to your bag and what’s more I REALLY like the bag!! 🙂 and for some reason I didn’t, like you, think it belonged to Jennifer; maybe the clunky sweater/dress – not elegant enough for Jennifer! Britta


      • Hi Britta – I think the bag might be a Ted Baker (UK designer) one. I’ve seen some very similar in DJ’s – they’re really cool.


  3. Bill
    I know you use your PGS to guide you but I thought I’d let you know it is 542 Miles from Mt Shasta to North Bend WA where that restaurant is – 867 kilometers and then only 180 miles – 288 kilometers to Tri Cities .Mostly all freeway


    • haha – Lynda, on a trip like this I’m going to be using my Garmin as much as my PGS!! 🙂 Thanks for that. Yes, I’ll have to sit down and work out the distances, and plan accordingly. Luckily the roads and highways in the US are pretty good, and also very few tollways too! (Unlike Australia, where the roads are dreadful and there are toll booths on all the major highways!)


  4. No apologies needed, Bill. Very sorry that I will not be on the West Coast when you and Jen are here. Heading to Bellingham, WA on Friday to catch the ferry to Alaska. I will be in Alaska for two weeks. If you get to Kansas City, let me know. I have two very good friends there who might be available for a short city tour or dinner ideas. Actually, it is my ex-husband and his wife. I just left there last Wednesday after spending two weeks with them. I think you would like them. Travel safe, and have a fabulous time. Sending positive energy your way regarding the potential film investors! Hugs. Julie


    • Thank you Julie. A shame you won’t be around. But I’m sure Alaska at this time of the year will be amazing! Thanks re info on your ex-husband and wife in Kansas. I’m still not sure if we’ll be going there – it’s a long drive there and back to Los Angeles, but we’ll see how it goes… Safe travels up north!



  5. Dear Bill, like he said … no one presumes you to be Superman, so get over the apologies and just get on with it! 🙂 Hope you and Jennifer have a great time. All that driving on those great American roads (so much better than the patchwork we call highways here in Australia, eh?!) – can’t wait to hear the stories, see the photos and envy you the food for the blog 🙂


    • That’s the thing Britta, I DO get on with it. That’s what keeps me so damn busy. This past week I’ve let my walking suffer too – I only did a couple of days, but one was a 20kms walk, which was beautiful.

      Yes, I’m looking forward to getting back to the States. Haven’t been for a little while. I’ve spent a lot of time there over the years.

      I love America – and I particularly love the small towns and the country areas. And those diners! It’s like walking into a movie when you walk into an American roadside diner!



  6. Hi Bill and Jen –
    Best wishes for a happy and successful trip. I’m looking forward to seeing all those foodie photos – hooly dooly and drooly!

    Liked by 1 person

        • Hi Lynda – I’m off to Spain to work on the Camino at Rabanal – Refugio Gaucelmo, which is the CSJ refugio. I’m getting that wonderful tingly feeling of anticipation – there’s so much to look forward to. I know already that it’s going to be an amazing experience.

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      • Hi Bill and Lynda – I leave on 14 June – can’t wait!
        I have a week in London, then 4 days in Madrid before heading up to Astorga for 2 nights and then 16 days working at the CSJ refugio – Refugio Gaucelmo at Rabanal.
        After the hospitaleroship I have 10 days in Santiago before heading home. Rabanal is going to be incredible – completely incredible. I’m there in spirit already.

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        • Hi Jenny,
          Dale and I stayed there last year. It is a great place. The “tea” they have out on the lawn in back was so unexpected and wonderful after a long day. Had walked with an Australian friend that day. I, in spirit, have never left the Camino! Think about it daily. You are going to have such fun!


          • Hi Lynda – I’m so glad that you liked Gaucelmo. The afternoon teas there are something that the refugio is known for.
            Norelle from Sydney, who Bill knows, stayed there in April, and she really loved it too. It’s going to be really busy when I’m there but I still hope to be able to do a bit of baking if there’s time. The whole experience is going to be really, really special.
            Cheers – Jenny


        • jenny, you are going to have the most amazing time. And you will have a connection with the Camino that will be quite unique. I’m sure you’ll learn such a lot about human nature, and dealing with people in various states of discomfort, pain, crisis etc. It will be amazing. You’ll have some stories to tell when you get back home, I’m sure! Bill


          • Thanks for your good wishes Bill. It’s going to be a huge learning curve – but such a rewarding experience.
            A lot of people start from Astorga and some of them haven’t researched the Camino as much as those who start from St Jean, so I think there’s going to be a range of emotions and physical ailments that are presented.
            There sure are going to be some stories! Feel like ghosting a book in between everything else you’ve got on your plate? !
            Cheers and best wishes for everything ‘states-side’.


        • Jenny, wishing you every blessing on your forthcoming adventure. Sounds fabulous. I know you have been looking forward to this for such a long time.
          You will be a ray of sunshine, a welcome tonic and a breath of fresh air to those weary pilgrims as they arrive in Rabanal. Have you prepared the little verse cards, inspirations and prayers you mentioned in my blog?
          I have just arrived back from a wonderful trip with my husband so just catching up with the PGS happenings.
          Look forward to hearing of your experiences. Remember me in your prayers. The chapel in Rabanal was a place of deep peace and healing for me. Very special.


  7. Hi Bill. At long last I have been able to catch up on your latest journey. The Camino Portuguese sounds amazing. It seems your group was very blessed, in connections, relationships, health and weather. The Irish tour was of great interest also, as my father’s family came from Ireland. I’m not well versed on family history, however.
    I have read all your blogs now, since my return home on Sunday. Thank you again. I am sorry I was not able to follow daily whilst sailing. I had a wonderful time and appreciate our beautiful country even more, after circumnavigation. ( 22 000 km)
    Wishing you and Jennifer a fabulous trip to the US.


    • Hi Anne,

      Lovely to hear that your trip was so wonderful. You must have seen some extraordinary sights. And yes, the tour was a treat. A gorgeous bunch of people – and we had a great time. Thank you also for your well wishes for our trip. Looking forward to it!



  8. There ‘s a joke in the Seattle area: How do you know it is a holiday weekend? Answer: It’s raining!!!
    That was the case this morning but now the sun is out – must’ve heard Bill is going to visit soon!! Getting very excited to meet Bill and Jen! Had lunch today at the “Twin Peaks” restaurant to check out the coffee and cherry pie!


    • You know Lynda, after having seen the UD version of THE KILLING, shot in Seattle, I’m king of expecting it to be raining all the time up there! Certainly all overcast. Not long now till we meet up! Bill


      • It does rain a lot here but that is why it is so pretty and green.When you drive from Seattle to the “Twin Peaks” town, you will cross a long floating bridge. If it is sunny turn your head to the right and look at Mt Rainier as you cross the bridge. It is very pretty on this side of the state. Let me know when you have an idea of when you might be coming through


        • Hi Lynda – yep, will let you know once our dates start to firm up. I’ll have a better idea as the week progresses – but I’m thinking possibly Monday June 2nd or around about then… I’m excited as a lll get-out to be coming up!! Bill

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