PC #96 – I knew I should have…

Intuition often expresses itself in the negative.

I knew I should have done…

You say to yourself: I knew I should have moved the coffee cup away from the edge of the table, when an accident happens and it spills.

I knew I should have checked my spare tire – when later you get a flat, and you discover your spare is flat too.

I knew I should have taken a second set of keys, when you misplace your first set and you're locked out.

You had a hunch, a gut feeling, a “sense” – but you didn't act on it. Because why should you? Then later, you reflect on your intuitive impulse, and you realise that you foresaw the eventuality.

But only because you didn't act on it.

If you'd moved the coffee cup, you would never have known if it would have spilled or not. If you'd checked the spare, you might not have had a flat. If you'd taken your second set of keys, you may not have misplaced the others.

Every day we have prescient thoughts and feelings. This is our PGS tugging at our skirt, or our shirt, trying to get our attention.

Sometimes it becomes apparent in an ah ha moment later.

Ah ha – I knew I should have moved that coffee cup…



72 thoughts on “PC #96 – I knew I should have…

  1. Bill,
    I am beginning to listen more to my PGS or intuition.

    Just yesterday, I felt the need to take my telephone with me when I walked to get my mail (my mailbox is on the side of my house). I grabbed the phone, went out the door and walked to the side of the house — guess what? The phone rang.

    It was the Company I had ordered my APOC Chapter patches calling. The patches are complete and ready for pickup. They were not due to be ready until the end of next week.

    The only explanation I have for carrying the phone was I “felt” the need to carry it. Definitely PGS working!


    • Arlene –

      Sometimes your PGS does these little things to test you out, and to heighten your sensitivity.

      I showed you how it worked with the phone, then when something big comes along you know you can trust it.

      A great story, thank you!



  2. Morning Bill and all,
    Your topic this morning is one that I had to respond to due to what transpired just a few hours ago.
    I was woken up twice in the wee hours this morning, once by the phone ringing to tell me that my Aunt had passed away,( she was in a coma) and the other which had happened earlier by my Aunt passing through to say goodbye! But, like you, I didn’t quite appreciate the first messenger. To clarify, I woke up because I thought i felt someone in my room (which of course there was) and the first thought I had was about my Aunt. I then began to cry thinking to myself, “I will never see her alive again” I fell back to sleep and 2 hours later got the phone call from my sister confirming my “sleepy” PGS message.

    I’ve been in a quiet mood the last few days since hearing that my Aunt, who would have turned 90 on Sept 13 and who was the first person to teach me about love in my life, was in a coma. My uncle told me that I needed to come to see her in the next couple of days if I wanted to see her alive and I had chosen this afternoon to be that time, but I kept thinking I should go yesterday or last night. But as you say, I didn’t listen to my PGS and here I am now reminded that the powers that be were once again looking out for me but I wasn’t allowing myself to hear them. I’m not beating myself up and am instead grateful to her that she passed through me on her “way” to touch my heart and soul and as I share this with you all, many beautiful tears are falling from my eyes while I lay here in the same room and bed where I last felt her.

    Thank you for your meaningful words and for giving me the opportunity to share some of my grief.

    In love and memory of my dear Aunt Edie!!




    • Jill,

      I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

      My prayers will be lifted for Aunt Edie and those who love her.

      God Bless,


      • Thank you so much Arlene. My aunt was more of a mother to me than my own so it is especially sad but special. My Mom is now the last living member of her family of origin and sadly has Alzheimer’s so I’m not sure she will really appreciate that her younger sister has gone home. Your love is far reaching, thank you.



    • That is beautiful Jill, what a sacred experience and a gift to cherish. My heart grieves with you for the loss, and celebrates what a special person she was in your life.


      • Thank you so much for your lovely words. I’m sorry that I don’t know your first name to personalize this response but I appreciate you taking the time to say so. :-))


    • Jill, I am sorry for your loss. Please know that the Order of St Andrew prayer group is praying for the peaceful repose of Aunt Edie’s soul.Blessings!


      • Thank you so much Sister. It means so much to have my “new family” be so supportive of my family of origin. i appreciate your thoughts, prayers and love very much. Steve and I were just talking about how much my Aunt Edie meant to me and how much I will miss her presence but as you are all reminding me her love and spirit will remain intact in my heart forever.

        Love to you. Xoxo


    • Jill, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you come to terms with the passing of Aunt Edie. Cherish the memories. Laugh about those funny little quirks which I am sure were part of her life. Shed tears of gratitude for the lessons learned from Aunt. Know that she will always be with you. May she rest in peace.
      Blessings and a big hug from afar.
      Anne xo
      BTW, my nan was named Edie also.


      • Hi Anne,
        What a great message. I love that. I’ve been shedding tears all day and just a bit ago talked to my Uncle and we both had a good cry on the phone. Death is such a part of life, isn’t it?

        Aunt Edie lost her only child , her daughter, almost 20 years ago and I remember how hard that was for her. Thank God she had my uncle there to get her through it. Today, they are together again so in some strange way that makes me so happy. Again, want you all to know how meaningful it is for me to receive your love and well wishes.



      • PS, I meant to comment about your Nan and her name. I’m afraid the name Edie is one that we don’t hear or see much lately and I want to believe that your Edie was a very special person as well. :-))


    • Jill,

      I’ve just woken up here in Oz and read this post.

      How dreadfully sad, and how extraordinary that you were visited by her before her passing.

      Jennifer and I send our deepest love to you, and our sympathies. She was obviously very special to you, and that feeling was obviously reciprocated, as evidenced by her visitation.

      She dropped by to say goodbye, and thank you. What a glorious thing to do. And what a unique relationship you two must have had. And now you have this memory of her last goodbye that you will keep with you for the rest of your life.

      Thank you also Jill for sharing such a personal event here on this blog. It’s a testament to the integrity of the people here – knowing that they love you and care for you – that you should feel you could do so.

      I wish I was with you now so I could give you a big hug, and do something really stupid to make you laugh.

      Love you mate, Bill


      • I am driving Across Tennessee, thus not very communicative. You just did all you could do and Jill and I both appreciate all of the love and responses. We love you all. Steve


      • Hi Bill & Jennifer,

        What a beautiful response! Thank you both so much for your loving words. I do feel very special to have had the spiritual visitation that I did and yes, she was such a special person in my life. My Mom was told she had mono when I was born and 58 years ago the treatment was bed rest and no physical contact. So, my Mom had to turn my care over to my 2 aunts and thank goodness my Aunt Edie was such a loving, caring person who held me close and taught me how love feels. One of the reasons I sign everything Xoxo which supposedly signified hugs and kisses is that I am a hugger and a kisser most likely due to Aunt Edie and the motherly love I felt from her those first 6 months of my life. Steve always laughs and says, I have to hug every person in the bar before I go home!! And it’s pretty true!!

        It’s a very, very windy and rainy day here in sunny Palm Springs and I have always associated rain and wind as a message from a loved one who is passing. As if they are wildly waving goodby as they move to their next home. The bigger the wind, the larger the persons spirit. My aunt is leaving a large wake in the sky!

        As I have said many times before, Bill it is you who has created this safe haven for the rest of us to share our voices, our experiences, our pain and our love so I again say thank you! I wish you were here too as I would gladly accept your big hug and know we would be laughing about some crazy thing as well! Who needs the Village People when I have you all, the World People!!

        XOXO ( that’s BIG HUGS & KISSES)



        • How gorgeous Jill – you are an amazing lady with a huge huge heart.

          Jennifer is still asleep. She requires about 10 hours sleep before she can function adequately. And only then after two coffees. I require about five hours sleep, and 3 coffees! Even then it’s debatable whether my functioning is “adequate.”

          So when Jennifer wakes I will bring her up to speed with all of this.

          This term “passing” is a fascinating one – passing presumably from one plane of existence to another? But what are they passing to?

          I once had the honour of having dinner with a very famous former prime minister here in this country – Gough Whitlam. He was an extraordinary statesman, in the JFK mould of being a social radical. He was very erudite, and was famous for his rapier wit. He was one of the first western leaders to go to China, and one evening he was in bed with his wife and there was an earthquake. He reportedly turned to his wife and said dryly: Did the earth move for you too darling?”

          Anyway, at this dinner I remember him telling me that a friend of his had been “gathered.” He used this term instead of saying he’d died, or had passed away. I’ll always remember that, Gough Whitlam saying someone had been “gathered.”



          • Hello again ,
            That is an interesting use of the term and seriously I’m not sure when or why “passing” has taken on the meaning it has outside of the thought of passing from one dimension to the next or the housed spirit” passing through the structure of our body into the larger atmosphere free to roam the entire universe rather than just this plane that we call home. ( Is that a run on sentence, or what!)See this is what I love about you and what makes you such a great facilitator ( I know you don’t like to be called a mentor) you stimulate me to be a deeper thinker and a better communicator.

            On another note, is that really a spilled cup of coffee ( your 3rd or Jen’s 2nd) or is it melted Carmel? It’s looks fake and I love it!!



          • haha –

            it’s an image I pulled off the net.

            Jen and I were talking about this yesterday, because she’s always terrified of spilling her coffee into her laptop.

            bb xx


    • Jill, I have just had a beautiful walk around my neighborhood and reflected on many things, especially the memories invoked by certain flowers. I thought a lot about you and your beloved Aunt Edie and had a “chat” to my Nan, Edie. She was a very special person and even after 30 years, I still miss her.
      Thankyou for rekindling the memories. I am going to write a separate post in my blog, based on this.
      My little granddaughter is named Eadie, in loving memory of my nan. The name lives on.
      Sending more hugs.
      Anne xoxo


      • How great is that Anne! I’m so happy for you and am so glad that we have our Edie connections together. Maybe they will become friends wherever they may be!! And how lovely that your daughter shares a name with such a great energy!


    • Hi Jill, I am so sorry for your loss. what a blessing to have had your aunt so close to you all your life. light and love, ingrid


      • Hi Ingrid,
        Thank you for your lovely thoughts. It’s only been these last 7 years of my life that Aunt Edie and I have been together. She and my grandmother moved from Buffalo, NY to Whittier , CA when I was 3 and I only saw her a handful of times till Steve and I moved to CA in 2006. So I had her in the beginning and thankfully til the end! In that way I was very lucky. Thank you for your concern and generosity of love.



  3. Jill, I am so sorry for your loss. Your aunt most definitely came to say goodbye. I am so glad that you were awake enough to sense it. My prayers are with you and the family at this difficult time. She lives through the wonderful things she taught to you and others. Julie


  4. My comment on the PGS, I have a hard time deciphering what things are just thoughts that come from “life experience” ( I should put suncreen on so I don’t get burned) and what are thoughts that come into your head because other people or society would push you to do this (i should go work out today, I should call my mom today) and then the thoughts that come from things that you “want ” or like to do (Its really a gorgeous day I should spend some time outside) and the spiritual pull (that wants quiet time connecting to the source mediating, in prayer…) and the thoughts that are nagging you that may just come from anxiety (worried about a child going through something and they keep popping in your head through the day) and then hunches or thoughts that might be intuition ( an out of the blue thought or tug to talk to someone and they call you a few minutes later.but it just happened I didn’t need to do anything.) I am a sensitive person and I pick up peoples feelings very quickly ( I walk into a party and pick up how Wanda is not herself) I also have a creative and active mind. ( I just come up with ideas a all the time of things to make, paint, business ideas….I couldn’t possibly do them all.)
    With all these things that go on in my head and heart it is very difficult to know and tune into which is the intuitive, and trust that it is my PGS rather than one of the many other things that come into it. I really have thought about this a lot. Sometimes I feel like I might be getting it, then i just throw up my hands and really don’t feel I have a clue. I just keep going back to the thing I know for sure. God loves me and i can tune into trusting this, and learn to love others better. Is Intuition about listening more, feeling more, or letting go and letting God more?


    • Hi Kathryn –

      it’s a really good point you raise here.

      We can create such noise around ourselves that it’s often very difficult to hear the important whispers.

      And if you have an active mind, as you have, how can you differentiate between logic, reason, and intuition?

      The film on PGS, and the book I will write too, will discuss the four steps necessary – STOP, LISTEN, TRUST, FOLLOW.

      Stopping is very important – by stopping, you stop the wind rushing around your ears. The noise, the chatter. And then you have to ask – and the response will come back, and you’ll now it’s your PGS.

      But stopping, asking, listening,then trusting enough so that you can follow is what you need to do.

      Your intuition is like a muscle – it needs to be trained, and developed. And then it can become a very powerful aid, or guide.

      Hope that helps! Bill


  5. Julie,
    Thank you so much for your kindness and support. I too am glad that I woke up to feel her passing through. Her love and presence will be with me for the rest of my life.



    • Dear Jill, when I’m saddened by someone close to me passing away, I recite this from ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ by Mitch Albom – and to me it makes all the difference: “As long as we can love each other and remember the feeling of love that we had, we can die without really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on – in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here … Death ends a life, not a relationship.” I hope this, along with all the love and loving thoughts pouring through to you from the PGS ‘family’ can help you in the weeks and months to come. Love, Britta


      • Hi Britta,
        I just now read your lovely comments and wanted to thank you as well. You have all been so thoughtful, kind and generous to have shared your experiences and love with me at this sad time. I found out today that her funeral will be this Friday which falls on her 90th birthday, so that in itself will make it even that more special. I know it will be hard, but beautiful too. That is a beautiful and totally apropos comment and mirrors my feelings so thank you for passing it along. Love,



        • Jill, there is nothing more beautiful in a ceremony to say goodbye, than to have it fall on their birthday. I think its such a meaningful way to honour their passing into a state of joy, while in a way also celebrating that we will one day join them.


          • Hi Sister,

            You are so right. I couldn’t agree with you more. It feels like perfect symmetry at its best. I know she will be with us on her special day in many ways. Again , thank you all so much for caring and sharing.



  6. Jill, I am sorry to hear about your aunt………..love that this group has grown enough to support people when they need love, web-log love or otherwise.

    Bill: Question for you about the Stop Listen Trust Follow….is that something you have created yourself, or is it based on another philosophy?

    Also………….”I Knew I Should Have” in my life is usually “I Knew I Shouldn’t Have.” I find that messages come to me from so many places I need to apply a fine filter.

    Finally, fasting for peace today………….


        • For health or spiritual reasons? Did you ever get that leg brace? Mine is extraordinary -what a difference.


          • Hi Sister –

            I fast regularly, normally to still my rampant mind. It kind of helps me put it back in the box.

            Is that spiritual? I don’t know.

            I haven’t got the brace yet – I am reluctant to get one off the internet, because I believe it has to be fitted according to the particular needs of the injury.

            I simply haven;t been able to get onto the company. They never answer their phone. I will have to do something though – my knee is still troubling me, even with these Glucosamine tablets – and I have a long walk to do next year! And I have a frisky nun to keep up with!




          • If its to settle your mind, its spiritual. Are you seriously going to pay someone 900$ to “fit” your brace? I did that years ago (when I had money to throw away), they spent five miutes telling me to try on different types, measured from the middle of my kneecap six inches up and around -and the stupid thing never was comfortable! I measured myself for the new one and its fits like a glove..


          • hmmm –

            I went on the brace US website to see what the cost was there – about $650, as against $1200 here.

            It seems absurd.

            And I DON’T have money to throw away!!



          • I’m sure there’s a youtube clip on how to fit your knee brace – they’ve even got one now to measure your own torso to fit a backpack. I did my own measuring and spent $35 on a brand new brace like the one you showed us.Its making a huge difference -it takes the weight off your knee, and now I never have to worry about my knee buckling and landing me on my teakettle.


          • Sister –

            I am amazed at what you can find on YouTube to help you do stuff.

            I am going to look into it.

            I have a very real aversion to paying $1000+ for a brace when I know I can get one for a quarter of the price.



      • I was not 100%, Sister….but it was good. I fixed a “Phake” Pho Ga for dinner for the rest of the crew here and ate a small bowl. I want to do this one day a week now. It can’t be Saturdays in the future though…too many people coming and going and part of me just wants to keep it to myself….Bill, I hear you about having it help center you or reign in your mind.


    • Hi Julie,

      I agree with you, that it was wonderful to see people swinging their love and support behind Jill yesterday.

      It was very touching, and I’m sure it helped Jill with a difficult day yesterday.

      Regarding STOP, LISTEN, TRUST, FOLLOW – that’s all me, or rather my PGS! 🙂 It will be explained more fully in the film and the book. It’s just a way of hooking into your intuitive self.



  7. Bill, be sure to triple check the shipping costs on something coming from the US. My brother lives in the Melbourne area and our other brother shipped him a pitching machine because it was $750 USD and not $1500 AUD….but the shipping and import costs added up to more than the $1500 AUD! You might be better spending the money on the Synvisc shot. :-/


    • The shopping was included in the cost – $38 for Standard International Shipping. Which means it will take about 3-4wks. But I’m not in a hurry.

      Also, I paid by PayPal so I have a bit of recourse.

      Thanks Julie.



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