Facing Fear – The Interviews is now LIVE!

While I was making my film on intuition, PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System, (https://www.pgsthemovie.com), I discovered that perhaps the greatest barrier to tapping into your intuition was fear.

And as I thought more about fear, it occurred to me that so many of my decisions were driven by fear. Big decisions and small everyday decisions. And I began to wonder: what would it be like to live free of fear?

How would that feel?

What could I achieve, if I wasn’t tethered by fear?

Then I started to realise that I didn’t really know what fear was. If I wanted to rid myself of fear, first I had to know what fear was and how it worked. That’s when I began to think about making a film on fear – but anchoring it to a personal perspective, like I’d done with PGS.

I decided to call it Facing Fear.

I started out with the objective of finding out:

* What is fear?
* How does it work?
* How can I use it to make my life better?

I set off around the world about eighteen months ago. I filmed numerous interviews, some with leading experts on fear – doctors, psychologists, counsellors, therapists. But I was also interested in the esoteric aspects of fear, so I interviewed some of the world’s leading spiritualists and mystics. I also included interviews with those that had personally experienced real fear, and come out the other side much wiser. A combat veteran turned mercenary was one such interviewee.

Fascinating stuff.

I’d almost completed the interview phase of production when the coronavirus hit – and that put a halt to filming. I returned to Australia, and as the pandemic took hold globally, and in my home country, I realised there was a lot of fear out there. A hell of a lot of fear.

I woke up one morning with a strong intuitive message that I had to be in service. I realised that I’d amassed this fantastic storehouse of interview material on fear – and even though I couldn’t complete the film, there was a real need for the information and advice I’d gathered.

So I decided to create an online resource which I would call Facing Fear – The Interviews. What I would do is cut down the interviews and put them up raw on a website, and augment each interview with an up-to-date Zoom interview discussing fear during the current crisis.

Each interview would run between 45mins to an hour in duration, allowing for a detailed examination of fear – and providing practical advice on how to deal with it, and how to turn it to your advantage.

What I’ve ended up with is 27 interviews with some real heavyweights, but also some folks you’ve never heard of who have faced real fear and have wonderful advice on how they managed.

All up the website contains nearly 24hrs of interview content. There’s some real gems of wisdom and advice in amongst it all.

I would have liked to offer it for free but it’s been quite a costly exercise so far and I have an obligation to the investors who are involved. The Interviews is a precursor to the film, which will be completed once the coronavirus restrictions have lifted.

Here is the link: https://facingfearinterviews.com

Please check it out. If you are facing fear at the moment for whatever reason, I’m sure you’ll find something in the interviews that will help you.

4 thoughts on “Facing Fear – The Interviews is now LIVE!

  1. Dear Bill, I created our promotion for you, I hope you like it.  It will go out about 7:20 a.m. tomorrow morning Pacific Time.  Hopefully, you will see an increase of purchases after it goes out. I am sorry you had to wait for my ad to go out, I had not forgotten it. I hope you like it! Oh and THANK YOU for calling us for my birthday!  68, if you can believe it, my goodness.  It really brightened my day to hear from you both.  Hugs to Jennifer! With Love,Raphael


    • You are the youngest 68 yr old I’ve ever met Raphaelle!! Thanks for the shoutout for Facing Fear. Your promos are amazing! Fingers crossed that it enables this important resource to get out wider. Much love to you and Michael! Bill


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