Another near death ~

I’ve been screening my film PGS theatrically for the past twelve months, both in the US and Australia. And at almost every screening someone – sometimes more than one person – steps forward and tells me their own personal story about how a voice saved their life.

It happened the other night at a screening in Leichhardt, in Sydney. During the Q&A the photographer covering the event regaled the audience with an account of a voice that yelled at him while he was driving – he did exactly what the voice told him to do – and lives were saved. 

I now want to share with you an email I got from a lady named Lynne, who contacted me to tell me her story – and more. 

By the way, before I do that, remember that the movie goes on sale online on November 1st, off the film’s website –

Here is a 45sec trailer – please feel free to download it and share it – we want to get this film out wide!

Here now is part of the email that Lynne has given me permission to share:

Thought I’d quickly let you know I am another one of those people who has had a similar experience to you. I can’t remember the year now, it was early 2000s in Brisbane, driving down Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley early in the evening. I had a voice yell at me “Put the brake on NOW!!! Put the brake on NOW!!!” It was a voice, definitely not a thought.

Shocked, I immediately obeyed and as I did a man lurched from in front of a parked car on the side of the road. He was drunk or on drugs, totally out of it. I had already slowed down and now I really hit the brakes. If I hadn’t listened and acted I would have run him down and more than likely killed him. As the scene played out, I am thinking what the f…. is going on here.

Around about the same time I started having some precognitive dreams, some of which were profound, most mundane as well as other ‘noetic abilities’. This ‘noetic ability’ term I have since learned from IONs, – Institute of Noetic Sciences – with noetic meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, or subjective understanding. Since then I have been on a path of trying to figure out what it’s all about. Along the way, I have learned that it takes time to discern who you can learn from.

Even though I haven’t read your book or watched your movie yet, I have just watched your youtube video with Michael Sandler and I really relate to what you say. Another thing that I have learned along the way is the difficulty in sharing such noetic experiences with others, as many are quick to judge and put you in the strange or loony category. 

So, the reason for telling you this is that I firmly believe we are coming to a point of our evolution (individual and collective) where there is the opportunity to raise awareness about such noetic things so that they become a recognised, validated and accepted part of life and that they are tools to get us to through to the next stage of evolution. And it is for this reason I really want to THANK YOU for the work you have done and are continuing to do creating such awareness. It is so needed and you evidently have the great practical skills to deliver it. Good upon you!

3 thoughts on “Another near death ~

  1. So Bill, here’s your next movie, documenting many of these stories!!! Looking forward to getting my hand on my own copy of the film, and of course the book too 🙂


    • There would certainly be a book in it – but actually it would get a bit boring after a while because literally all the stories sound the same, they just differ a bit in the detail. I would have heard dozens of stories similar to mine by now! Hope you’re keeping well and hope to see you again soon. Much love, Bill


  2. I **VERY** much like something quoted from a PGS quote of yours, Bill, in the Dan Mullins podcast this week — “If you validate any aspect of the Spirit, it will stay with you forever” ; it sounds to me like a universal truth about all true spirituality.


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