Photo Camino book progress

I’ve been quiet lately, in part because I’ve needed to withdraw and consider what has passed, and what’s ahead.

But also I’ve had my head down writing the Photo Camino book.

I’m now 20,000 words in, and I’m on track to have the text finished by the end of January. I’m thinking the book will be about 50-60,000 words.

It will then require editing and proof reading, and then design work to include various photos and illustrations.

It will be a practical guide to photography on the Camino, covering such topics as what camera to take, how to shoot landscapes, the most iconic images you’ll find along the way, how to avoid too much headroom in a shot 🙂 and so forth.

It will also, I hope, be stamped with my “voice,” and will be peppered with relevant photographic anecdotes.

It will also include a lot of my photography, but only to illustrate certain points that I’m making in the text. It’s not a coffee table photo book – it’s a practical guide. That said, there should be some nice shots in it.

I’m finding it hard to write. (I find all writing hard though…) I’m writing the book for those that don’t have a clue about photography, and yet at times I do have to explain some technicalities. I’m keeping it simple though.

Ultimately, every part of the book links back to the Camino, and the unique challenges and opportunities that a pilgrim / photographer will face.

The book will also touch on the philosophy of using photography to “see” along The Way, and to intimately connect with your surroundings, and those that you meet.

I hope to have it published by March or April, in time for those spring and summer pilgrims who might wish to get some tips before heading off on their journey.

If there are any subjects you think I should include, please let me know.


I’ve settled into a daily routine which I wish to maintain throughout the year, and indeed throughout my life. It’s based on the daily routine at the Parmarth Niketan Ashram, in Rishikesh.

They begin their day at 5am, before sunrise, because from a yoga perspective that’s the most potent time of the day. So I wake up at 4:44am, and by 5am I’m doing my pranayama, then my yoga, then 25-30 minutes of mediation. That takes me up to 7am.

It sets me up beautifully for the day – and if needed, I have a 20 minute nap in the afternoon. I’m usually asleep by 10:30pm, which is how Jen and I saw in the New Year.

Interestingly, I notice that I am now able to do asanas that even a few months ago were impossible because of my bad knee. The yoga is getting in there and doing wonders. I do believe yoga is a magic pill. I’m even thinking of trying a long walk without my knee brace.

So at the moment I’m pretty boring.

There’s a chance that Jennifer and I might be going to Turkey sometime this month, to do some filming for the PGS film. We’re waiting to see how things unfold.

If we’re meant to go, then we’ll go.

turkish mosque

9 thoughts on “Photo Camino book progress

    • haha – yes Ingrid, I must admit I’m on a bit of a roll now. Writing always forces me to think more deeply about why I do things – and this is no different. Photographically, a lot of what I do is now instinctive, and so I have to break that down and look at exactly what I do, and why. And then EXPLAIN it!! Which is the hard part, often. I hope that when finished, it will be comprehensive and useful. Bill


  1. Bill I love that schedule of yours! I am not an early riser, but you make it sound so enticing.Maybe I can get up a little earlier and see if that works. I think I definitely need more beauty sleep than you require! LOL

    My new routine will start after the weekend when everyone has left or is back at school and work.
    January I am planning to do a cleanse (primarily fresh clean foods and light proteins along with liver and intestinal cleansing supplements, followed by a round of Latero Flora, all from The Global Healing center in Texas) It will last a month.
    My daily routine has gotten a bit sloppy over the holiday. I will get back into my morning mediation/prayer followed by yoga stretching and adding a morning warm water and lemon juice. (suggested by a yoga teacher.)
    I then plan on doing a bit of inspirational reading (BEFORE I am allowed to check my emails and move on with the day.)
    I have a few other intentions, like painting more, finding a regular exercise schedule, and finishing the website for the Heart,Mind and Soul Project, and some travel.
    I see I am using your space here to make my own commitments–hope you don’t mind!
    Happy New Year!


    • Kathryn, my goodness your routine sounds wonderful! And I find it interesting that this healing centre is in Texas. The more I find out about Texas, from a spiritual perspective, the more interested I become. Hey isn’t the computer / iPad / iPhone a real temptation? I now keep them all upstairs where we sleep, and go downstairs to do my stuff. That way I’m not tempted to grab the iPad and check what comments you guys have made overnight. The way I figure it, there’s plenty of time in the day later to do that. The trick to all this though is sustaining it so that it becomes a natural part of your life. If it’s fun, and you enjoy it, it will be.

      (Sorry for the late posting of this by the way – like some of Steve’s long emails, I discovered it in the Spam filter. I think because it was a bit long. Seems the Word Press Spam algorithm regards long comments with acute suspicion!!)


  2. Hi Bill and Jen –
    I ‘second’ Ingrid’s comments. I’m really looking forward to having a practical guide which will have applications across a wide field of photography generally, using the Camino as a focus (excuse the pun!).
    Cheers – Jenny


    • Hey Jenny – yes I think that’s very true – that if I get this right then it will apply to a certain type of photography outside of the Camino as well. There’s a huge amount of work in it though – particularly once the writing is done, getting all the photos to support what I’m saying in the text. I might just have to walk another Camino to get more shots, hey?? 🙂


  3. Bill, useful tips for ALL travellers, I imagine. I know that there’s a better option out there to lugging 8 kilos of SLR bodies and lenses around the world – as much as I love what they can do.


    • Hey Greg, sorry for the tRdy rep,y but traveled to Syd yesterday. Yes, there is a viable alternative to DSLRs and they’re called “mirrorless!” Can’t speak too highly of my Sony a7s!!


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