PC #114 – Book cover – Final

Here is the book cover, all finished and locked off.

Let me tell you why I’ve gone this way –

One pole didn’t work. No-one walks the Camino with one trekking pole, unless they want to walk around in circles… (thank you Jill!)

Two poles are too dominant in the frame. Being black, or near black, your eye goes immediately to the poles, and away from the essential elements of the design – the Camino way-marker, with the three arrows.

The three arrows are important because they give a sense of the book’s tone – humorous. And they link in with the title – The Way, My Way. My way being I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing!

I thought about centering the way-marker, but decided to put the logline on the same level as the snail, which is small and a bit hard to see, given that it’s a very similar color to the way-marker.

What it means is this: your eye goes to the text – a Camino memoir – and then it travels across horizontally to the snail. So by placing the text beside the snail, it helps pick up the snail, visually.

As well, the poles were one element too many. A thumbnail in particular needs to have a simplicity of design. It can’t be too busy. This now has a nice clean look to it – and by cutting down the elements, the eye has time to take in what’s important – the way-marker, the arrows, and the snail.

Most importantly, it looks professional, and it looks intriguing. It looks like a real book. Not a cheapie e-book that’s been thrown together quickly. It looks legit.

Also, it asks questions. And that’s what you need from a book cover. If a question is asked,  the potential reader then wants to know more. So they’ll read the blurb. And if they like the blurb and are intrigued by the cover, and if the price is right, then there’s a chance they’ll buy it.

So, that’s how I’ve got to this final image.

Thank you for all your comments – and now no further discussion will be entered into!!!!!


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58 thoughts on “PC #114 – Book cover – Final

  1. Much, much better without the pole Bill – something about it didn’t quite “ring true”. This is much more professional. Simple, honest, and humorous – like the book!


  2. As you say, no further discussion will be entered into, except that I’m pleased as pie to see my name referenced in your blog!! Haha!!

    Thanks, super star, er I mean Bill.



  3. Fabulous Bill! Looks fantastic! BTW I’m so pleased the snail wasn’t ‘squashed’ along with the hiking poles!
    Cheers – Jenny


  4. Bill –

    I understood your words earlier just fine. This is an embodiment I did not imagine and it just soars, man! Love it!



    • Thanks Brendan –

      yes, I think it works quite well now.

      Simple and clean.

      I’ve decided to price the book at $5.79. I don’t know why I’ve settled on that price – my PGS said it’s the best price.




      • Well, Bill, your PGS seems to be in fine form so far – why argue with it?

        BTW, if you send me a PDF, it will be the VERY FIRST e-book that I have ever read.

        I am an avowed Luddite in this regard. I adore the smell of ink, the texture of paper, slick feel of the jacket and the heft of the whole.

        With that, I bid you good night. I have to re-boot my abacus and clean my quills and inkpot for the morrow before turning in.



      • Not to worry – I’ll GLADLY take the pdf instead. My first dip into Camino literature and going electronic, too. Gettin’ wild, I am…


  5. Bill, it’s great. Now to get the final version. Will Amazon have it this week?
    As you may be aware from my blogs, I mainly read electronically. I love the fact that I can have a whole library stored in my handbag!!!
    Pleased the little snail survived. BTW, do you know anything about the Snail Man that Peter McGlamery wrote about?
    Anne ⬅ ➡ ⬇


    • Hi Anne –

      I’ve just sent you through a formatted version.

      The pictures are in B&W, not colour. In the fully finished version, the pics will be in colour.

      The text is all finished now – it’s just that the formatting still needs some bells and whistles.

      In the email I’ve asked just two things – and I’ll do this more formally when I go to give out the book for free to PGS folk –

      That anyone receiving the book free respect the Intellectual Property Rights inherent in the work. So it’s for the individual’s use only – so please don’t pass it on.

      And secondly, that they write a review for Kindle, iBooks, and Goodreads. Hopefully the reviews will be positive, and this will help get the book out to a wider audience.

      It will be selling for $5.79.

      Thanks Anne, and hope you enjoy it!



  6. Gee, I was so looking forward to more comments to keep you on the right path. 🙂

    Hey, I am the guy who offered up walking in circles with a single pole. You and Jill are stealing what little thunder I could muster. Shameless. 🙂

    Seriously, great job. Steve


    • Hi – is it Sonia?

      I don’t think the book will be available as an audio book until such time as it receives conventional publishing –

      And also, I’m not sure I’d be the best person to do the narration!!

      But thank you!!



  7. The arrows, the shell, the snail, even the texture of the stone all pop sans pole. The difference is quite remarkable and most inviting.

    Hi Bill, I’m back because Mom and I are in Henderson and Steve and my Sister are here and share the duties. I may disappear again. However, I have ALL the unread blog posts and comments saved in an email file. I think I have 119 still to read and I WILL eventually get to every one!

    Wish I were 1/10th as productive as you!

    Congratulations on completion.



  8. Congrats! on a stand out book cover Bill
    Have no doubts the book content will be equally impressive.
    Soooo pleased you ditched the walking pole.


      • From a cool autumn evening in Denmark, my ‘ditto’ on all the comments. I too just love the cover – very clever and catchy and just so right. I’ve not had the time or opportunity to look at anything PGS, but had a brief window tonight and chose to read this post. Hope the rest of the production of the book is proceeding at speed and can’t wait to get back to Sydney and in regular contact so I know when it’ll be available 🙂 Cheers, Britta


        • Dear britta –

          lovely to hear from you!

          Is Denmark at this time of the year beautiful? It must be getting cold, no?

          Thanks for your kind words on the cover. It’s now up on Kindle, which is incredibly exciting.

          When are you back in Oz? I hope you’re having a great time.



  9. Thanks, Bill, Denmark is actually amazing with very Sydney-like weather with people complaining that it’s just too hot for this time of year. We watched about 1500 people running past my brother’s house this morning as part of a 1/2 and full marathon and they were melting, except the 4 professional Kenyan runners who just oozed past!! Am back in Sydney in early October and looking forward to spring and summer, rather than staying here and going into winter!! Still it’s a very special time with my family and of course the amazing food!!! Looking forward to seeing you all back in OZ 🙂


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